A clinical intervention, which involved the administration of an injection of a commonly used local anaesthetic agent, costing as low as Rs 100 has been developed by doctors at the Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) to increase breast cancer cure and survival rates, the hospital said on Monday. The study by a team from TMC, a premiere cancer institute under the Centre’s Department of Atomic Energy, over a decade led to the development of the intervention with higher efficacy.
“The research has ..
The study was conducted by investigators at 11 cancer centres in India including Tata Memorial Centre in Mumbai over 11 years between 2011 and 2022.
“The results of this study show this simple, low-cost intervention significantly and substantially increases the cure rates and survival of breast cancer patients, with a benefit that is ongoing for several years after surgery.
“The injection requires no additional expertise, is inexpensive, and can result in saving up to 1,00,00 ..